Could you name us three of the most stand out aspects of Jambuluwuk Oceano Seminyak that differs it from the rest?
- Unique design with complete facilities
- Warmth of Indonesian hospitality
- Rooftop garden with beautiful 360 View of Bali
If you are stranded in an empty island, name us three things that you should have with you?
First is my phone, so I can keep in touch with my family.
Second is a flower bouquet created by me to cherish my day in an empty island
Last is my surfboard to enjoy the sea
Define your brand in one full sentence!
Bring out the best of Indonesian culture, tradition and arts.
What is your philosophy in life? And how would you imply it?
Ora Et Labora (Pray & work) I do my best wherever I do and let God do the rest
How would you maintain the balance between work and leisure?
Most of the time I will make a to-do list for the day so I can strike off the completed tasks at the end of the day, and the most important is to keep my works to the workplace, therefore I can make my quality leisure time with my family
If you could spend a day with famous celebrity figure, which would it be?
Tom Cruise, he looks like my husband J LOL
What is your plan for Jambuluwuk Oceano Seminyak for the rest of this year?
My plan for Jambuluwuk Oceano Seminyak Hotel until the end of this year is to continue introducing the brand of Jambuluwuk Oceano Seminyak Hotel itself, and as a part of Jambuluwuk Hotels & Resorts properties. Also in Jambuluwuk Oceano Seminyak Hotel, the hotel remains to give the treasures of Indonesian heritage and unique touch in every little corner, creating the ultimate feel of elegance and comfort.
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