RefillMyBottle is launching a crowdfunding campaign today to raise $6,000 in order to build a better app. The app will allow users to find refill stations where they can refill their water bottles. And to measure how many water bottles they have saved from landfills and oceans.
The community was founded over a year ago initially in Bali. Together with mindful business owners, they initiated RefillMyBottle, a map of where Refillers can fill up their bottle with clean
water for free or a minimum fee. Our mission is to reduce the number of single-use plastic bottles used unnecessarily throughout the world by offering a simple alternative to buying
bottled water.
Since initial conception, RefillBali evolved into RefillMyBottle and the community have grown significantly.
With the help of Local Ambassadors in each region, they have already opened more than 350 Refill Stations throughout Indonesia. Every day, more businesses are joining the movement and
making an impact.
Let’s join in the fight against plastic waste and reduce consumption of single use plastic bottles. Let’s reduce, reuse and REFILL!
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