Five-star resort The Apurva Kempinski Bali has launched yet another exciting project titled Gallery of Music and Art, through a special event at the resort’s Pendopo Lobby on 1 December 2022. Seeking to showcase the talented artists of Indonesia, the Gallery’s first ever presentation was an enigmatic collaboration between Raul Renanda and Truedy. Raul poured his creativity on to a blank canvas, expressing his thoughts in lines and colours, and as he created his painting, young and talented musician Truedy translated each stroke of the brush into a melodious piano performance. Together, the two artists presented a unique performance that resulted in a magnificent artwork depicting the message of “Nusantara” and showcasing their pride in Indonesia. The painting will be displayed until the end of February 2023. In the future, The Apurva Kempinski Bali’s Gallery of Art and Music will feature different artists every three months, representing a diverse range of fine art categories, including painting. Guests are invited to enjoy their works, while enjoying music performances at the gallery.
When it comes to art, the Indonesian artist Raul Renanda has long been known in the scene. From designing hotels and resorts, to participating in art exhibitions, his work features in various high-scale projects in architecture and interiors, as well as other art-based ventures. Raul’s impressive portfolio includes designing the proscenium theatre ‘Teater Jakarta’ at Taman Ismail Marzuki 25 years ago. He was also involved in creating the magnificent Sjuman+Renanda Concert Grand Piano – a grand concert piano. Only two of these currently exist in the world, one of them displayed in the resort’s lobby.
Meanwhile, independent artist Truedy is a talented Indonesian musician who has performed regularly at The Apurva Kempinski Bali. The Bali-based performer draws her inspiration from various genres, crossing over many styles of music and infusing her life’s journey to create her own compositions. Truedy has performed at many venues and festivals both in Indonesia and abroad. Her musical background and natural gift of connecting with her audience gives her the ability to put on a charismatic show, effortlessly engaging with people through her performances.
“The Gallery of Art and Music is a truly special project for us, and we are delighted to have both Raul and Truedy, who are such amazing artists, to join us in launching this project,” said Vincent Guironnet, General Manager of The Apurva Kempinski Bali. “This project also offers a sneak peek into our 2023 “Powerful Indonesia” campaign, where we put more emphasis on the wonderful talents of Indonesia, and we cannot wait to share more about the exciting plans we have in the future.”